What Does the Fox Say in the Morning?,Pets & / Лиса видео :: живность :: милота :: ronron :: YouTube

YouTube ronron Лиса видео песочница милота живность 

What Does the Fox Say in the Morning?,Pets & Animals,pet,red,fox,tame,domestic,domesticated,indoor,outdoor,inside,outside,house,home,friendly,exotic,cage,pen,kennel,enclosure,what,does,the,say,in,morning,early,sleepy,I think it translates as, JUST FIVE MORE MINUTES, MOOOOOM! I also have to chuckle how he prefers to be out in the cold, instead of in the warm indoor area he has... guess if I had fur that thick I'd be more comfy outside too! ________________________________ Ron is a pet red fox I bought from a licensed exotic animal breeder, in Oklahoma, captive-bred and hand-raised. My state of Arkansas allows pet foxes without any permit needed. He enjoys a large outdoor habitat and also a small indoor caged spot in my living room. Foxes are said to make 'bad' pets, but I would rather say foxes make wonderful pets!... just rather destructive, moody pets, NOT FOR CHILDREN. Every potential fox owner/companion MUST have an outdoor pen built fox-proof; here's some examples--- http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2812518/ http://raptor-painter.deviantart.com/art/Building-a-better-fox-kennel-5-203764564 Now the best resource...http://sybilsden.com/caresheet/fox.htm http://www.raskbb.com/sybilsden/viewforum.php?f=6 It is Sybil's Message Board. The link is for the Foxes forum...hundreds of posts for you to read up on!
YouTube,ronron,Лиса видео,песочница,милота,живность
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Проверьте свечи зажигания вашей лисы раз она так долго заводится.
shumnyj shumnyj 12.06.201615:51 ответить ссылка 1.7
это не свечи, а ремни. и скорее всего ничего делать не надо, просто конденсат на шкивах :3
krako krako 12.06.201620:15 ответить ссылка 0.0
Она под веществами?
Helfer Helfer 14.06.201614:46 ответить ссылка -0.3
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Cute fox making noises,Music,,Fox at Woodlands Wildlife Refuge. Abandoned, rescued, and released. Please do not attempt to take care of wild animals yourself. Want to support this critter and others? Please visit these Woodlands Wildlife Refuge websites:
"Who are you?" asked the little prince, and added,
"Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!" the fox said. What does the fox say?